Scotland Independence Referendum: Is United Kingdom a Future Federal State?

September 21, 2014 admin 0

The United Kingdom (UK) comprises 4 states/countries forming what is commonly known Great Britain or the UK of Great Britain. These countries are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. These countries forming the UK are respectively large as follows: England (130.395 Km2); Scotland (78.772 Km2); Wales (20.779 Km2) and Northern Ireland (13.843 Km2); that is in total 243.789 Km2.… Read the rest “Scotland Independence Referendum: Is United Kingdom a Future Federal State?”

Bruxelles Hésitante Face aux Elections en RDC: Alternance Signifierait le Chaos?

September 18, 2014 admin 0

Il nous avait toujours prévenus qu’après lui c’est le déluge ! Malheureusement, ce déluge nous l’avons vécu, le vivons et le vivrons si… Si ma mémoire ne m’abuse pas, le Marechal était un bon prophète qu’un bon dirigeant. Ses prophéties ne se réaliseraient pas comme ce fut du temps biblique de Noé.… Read the rest “Bruxelles Hésitante Face aux Elections en RDC: Alternance Signifierait le Chaos?”