Holocauste au Congo : la Bible de la haine faite de mensonges, faussetés et confusions

August 23, 2023 admin 0

La Tribune de Belhar MBUYI, Thomas GAMAKOLO, et Percy Tambwe qui questionne le contenu de l’ouvrage de Mr Charles Onana.

Les auteurs précisent que “Cette tribune n’est nullement un déni des crimes qui ont été commis en RDC. Il est indéniable qu’à partir du début de la décennie 1990, la RDC a été le théâtre de nombreuses violations des droits de l’homme, dont des actes d’épuration ethnique, des massacres, des viols massifs, des déracinements de population, ainsi que des destructions de biens et de cheptels, entre autres atrocités.… Read the rest “Holocauste au Congo : la Bible de la haine faite de mensonges, faussetés et confusions”

Picture from www.aa.com.tr (https://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/un-experts-seek-unhindered-access-to-china/2191728)

DRC violence has many causes – the UN’s narrow focus on ethnicity won’t help end conflict

August 2, 2023 admin 0

The UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of Congo’s 2023 mid-term report reduces the very complex causes of violence in the eastern part of the country to inter-communal violence. This widely disregards armed groups’ motivations to resort to violence.… Read the rest “DRC violence has many causes – the UN’s narrow focus on ethnicity won’t help end conflict”

Why the UN Fails to Prevent Mass Atrocities: Violent Incidents and Reporting Bias in the South Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2017 to 2022

October 6, 2022 admin 0

This study includes preliminary analysis of 324 violent incidents in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) recorded by Kivu Security Tracker (KST) and 29 reports of the United Nations Peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, known as Mission de Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation du Congo (MONUSCO).[1]… Read the rest “Why the UN Fails to Prevent Mass Atrocities: Violent Incidents and Reporting Bias in the South Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2017 to 2022”

“Dominant Narratives versus State Building”: What is Misunderstood (Missing) in Autesserre’s Reflection?

October 7, 2019 admin 0

The idea developed in this blog post builds on a personal experience as a native of the Eastern Congo, a Blogger who have regularly been following events in this region but also a researcher working on micro-level violent conflict in the Kivus.Read the rest ““Dominant Narratives versus State Building”: What is Misunderstood (Missing) in Autesserre’s Reflection?”