Picture from www.aa.com.tr (https://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/un-experts-seek-unhindered-access-to-china/2191728)

DRC violence has many causes – the UN’s narrow focus on ethnicity won’t help end conflict

August 2, 2023 admin 0

The UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of Congo’s 2023 mid-term report reduces the very complex causes of violence in the eastern part of the country to inter-communal violence. This widely disregards armed groups’ motivations to resort to violence.… Read the rest “DRC violence has many causes – the UN’s narrow focus on ethnicity won’t help end conflict”

Enjeux autour de la Force Régionale East Africaine en RDC : Quid de Forces de Défense Nationale du Burundi ?

February 13, 2023 admin 0

Bien qu’étant voisin du Burundi, il serait hasardeux de croire que tous les Burundais maitrisent mieux les questions sécuritaires que connait l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Toutefois, les Burundais vivant dans la région des Grands Lacs d’Afrique savent quand même ou ont suivi par diverses sources qu’au Sud-Kivu, il y a des groupes rebelles qui combattent le régime actuel au Burundi.… Read the rest “Enjeux autour de la Force Régionale East Africaine en RDC : Quid de Forces de Défense Nationale du Burundi ?”

2021 Monusco’s Reports: Factchecks and Shortfalls

October 3, 2021 admin 1

Since 1999, one of the largest UN peacekeeping missions around the world, Monusco operates in DRC. It regularly (quarterly) reports to the UN Security Council on the socio-political and security landscape of the DRC. Thus, MONUSCO reports determine (influence) in large how the UN (Security Council) defines its priorities and short-term actions (with a possible effect on long-term interventions).… Read the rest “2021 Monusco’s Reports: Factchecks and Shortfalls”

Not sure if ‘Circumcised’? Enquire Experts

October 2, 2019 admin 0

The Eastern Congo, specifically the South-Kivu Region has been going through recurring violent trajectories. The region of Minembwe-Bijombo, the homeland of Babembe, Banyamulenge, Bafuliro and Banyindu, is currently facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Since 2017 up to recently, Hundreds have died, more than 160 villages burnt down leaving 200,000 civilians without homes and shelter; schools and health facilities destroyed and Banyamulenge cattle estimated around 27,000-30000 have been looted by militias.… Read the rest “Not sure if ‘Circumcised’? Enquire Experts”

Fizi-Baraka the “Drowning Hell”: How 150 Children have been Missing since 1996?

October 20, 2018 admin 1

For decades if not centuries, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been characterized by cycles of violence. The eastern part of DRC, specifically the Kivus, has been the mostly conflict-prone affected regions. Since the post-independence period, Fizi Territoire located in South Kivu has seen Banyamulenge and Babembe ethnic communities violently clashing.Read the rest “Fizi-Baraka the “Drowning Hell”: How 150 Children have been Missing since 1996?”