Picture from www.aa.com.tr (https://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/un-experts-seek-unhindered-access-to-china/2191728)

DRC violence has many causes – the UN’s narrow focus on ethnicity won’t help end conflict

August 2, 2023 admin 0

The UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of Congo’s 2023 mid-term report reduces the very complex causes of violence in the eastern part of the country to inter-communal violence. This widely disregards armed groups’ motivations to resort to violence.… Read the rest “DRC violence has many causes – the UN’s narrow focus on ethnicity won’t help end conflict”

Slow Genocide against the Banyamulenge: 2017 to the Present/by Delphin Ntanyoma

April 26, 2023 admin 0

On 13th of March 2023, the Conversation published an article titled as: “The Banyamulenge: how a minority ethnic group in the DRC became the target of rebels – and its own government“. The Conversation’s article gives an overview of how the Banyamulenge have historically been targeted and killed by militias the Congolese government.Read the rest “Slow Genocide against the Banyamulenge: 2017 to the Present/by Delphin Ntanyoma”

Why the UN Fails to Prevent Mass Atrocities: South Kivu (2017-2022)

October 6, 2022 admin 0

This study includes preliminary analysis of 324 violent incidents in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) recorded by Kivu Security Tracker (KST) and 29 reports of the United Nations Peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, known as Mission de Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation du Congo (MONUSCO).[1]… Read the rest “Why the UN Fails to Prevent Mass Atrocities: South Kivu (2017-2022)”

Minembwe-Bijombo Humanitarian Tragedy: From Besiegement, Impoverishment to Starvation

March 20, 2020 admin 3
  1. An Overview of the Humanitarian Tragedy

The blog article warns[1] over a worsening humanitarian crisis in the Uvira-Fizi-Itombwe High Plateau (hereafter referred to as Minembwe-Bijombo). The region is located in South-Kivu, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Fizi, Mwenga and Uvira territories.Read the rest “Minembwe-Bijombo Humanitarian Tragedy: From Besiegement, Impoverishment to Starvation”

“This is a time to get Rid of You”: Cycle of Settling Accounts in Minembwe High Plateau

May 27, 2019 admin 0
  1. Snapshot Background

On 4th May 2019, Kawaza Nyakwana was killed by armed men loyal to commandant Semahurungure. Semahurungure is, up to recently, a commander of the Banyamulenge’s affiliated armed group, knowns as “Gumino”. When affiliating an armed group commander to his ethnic community is likely oversimplifying a complex setting.… Read the rest ““This is a time to get Rid of You”: Cycle of Settling Accounts in Minembwe High Plateau”

Behind the Scene: Momentum, Myth and Extinction of “Banyamulenge’s Military”

May 8, 2019 admin 0

Le titre de ce livre peut probablement s’interpréter en Français comme « A l’Abri de Regards : Elan, Mythe et Extinction de Militaires Banyamulenge ». Ce livre qui est publié sur Editions Européennes Universitaires ainsi que sur Amazon Kindle Self-Publishing décrive l’histoire d’un engagement militaire dans un contexte complexe et qui fonde son support sur une expérience contestable de la classe élite.… Read the rest “Behind the Scene: Momentum, Myth and Extinction of “Banyamulenge’s Military””

Fizi-Baraka the “Drowning Hell”: How 150 Children have been Missing since 1996?

October 20, 2018 admin 1

For decades if not centuries, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been characterized by cycles of violence. The eastern part of DRC, specifically the Kivus, has been the mostly conflict-prone affected regions. Since the post-independence period, Fizi Territoire located in South Kivu has seen Banyamulenge and Babembe ethnic communities violently clashing.Read the rest “Fizi-Baraka the “Drowning Hell”: How 150 Children have been Missing since 1996?”

DRC Community Support: The Cost of Legal Personality

October 30, 2014 admin 0

One of the roles of a state would, specifically that of public administration, be integrating local communities support into their daily struggle. Whatever circumstances are, political perspectives have to focus on improving the socio-economic conditions of its population. In addition, public administration has to understand that partnership with the private sector as well as civil society is a requirement that can fulfill some gaps left by public offices.… Read the rest “DRC Community Support: The Cost of Legal Personality”

Who Is Behind Mutarule Massacre: Culture of Impunity or Security Blunder?

June 15, 2014 admin 3

 The Mutarule killing, as nth massacres in the region, happened on 6-7/06/2014. In July 2012, in the same village, 5 people were killed during clashes between Bafuliro and Barundi; conflicting over chieftaincy management. The Mutarule killing culminated in 38 deaths including women and children, dozens of injuries, houses were also burnt.… Read the rest “Who Is Behind Mutarule Massacre: Culture of Impunity or Security Blunder?”