Security Paradox of Banyamulenge Community: Netherlands Government versus Ubuntu Organization

April 16, 2014 admin 0

Safety seems to be among the basic and our daily concerns regardless the place where someone lives. It has to be guaranteed beyond the willingness of security services until it gets embedded into the cohabitation of neighborhood. It must be translated into concrete actions stressing that any failure to obey the laws can be safeguarded by enforcing the rule of law.… Read the rest “Security Paradox of Banyamulenge Community: Netherlands Government versus Ubuntu Organization”

Security Paradox: Banyamulenge in Netherlands Protesting Against a Plan to Return them to Kinshasa/DRC.

April 11, 2014 admin 0

Banyamulenge in the Netherlands protested today on 11 April 2014 against a plan to forcibly return them to Kinshasa or others provinces in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The demonstration was attended by roughly 150 persons, including women and children, in front of the Immigration Office in The Hague (Rijswijk).… Read the rest “Security Paradox: Banyamulenge in Netherlands Protesting Against a Plan to Return them to Kinshasa/DRC.”