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Clarification on the Article "DRC: A Fragile Community-Based Confederation Undermined by Kinshasa’s Concentration of Power"

February 26, 2014 admin 2



I have received an interesting and constructive comment from one of the blog’s reader. The reader was referring to the article “DRC: A Fragile Community-Based Confederation Undermined by Kinshasa’s Concentration of Power(1)

I take the opportunity to thank the reader as he has been among interested readers commenting regularly on articles posted.… Read the rest “Clarification on the Article "DRC: A Fragile Community-Based Confederation Undermined by Kinshasa’s Concentration of Power"”

DRC: A Fragile Community-Based Confederation Undermined by Kinshasa’s Concentration of Power

February 24, 2014 admin 7

A confederation can be discussed as a union where states chose to hand over some of their sovereign competences and responsibilities, through international treaty, into the hands of common institutions. As states remain sovereign, decisions within common institutions have to be unanimously agreed.… Read the rest “DRC: A Fragile Community-Based Confederation Undermined by Kinshasa’s Concentration of Power”

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Makenga et les Crimes des Guerres en RDC : Quelles Leçons et Stratégies Pouvons-nous Tirer ?

February 16, 2014 admin 8


« L’histoire ne se répète pas, mais elle se plagie » dira Jacques Deval. La technologie a fait que les medias sociaux nous rapprochent au point de communiquer à distance et même dans une forme d’anonymat. Tout le temps que le sujet de justice est évoqué pour le cas République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), plus spécifiquement de sa partie Est, certains de mes interlocuteurs et compatriotes congolais rappellent souvent le cas de Sultani Makenga.… Read the rest “Makenga et les Crimes des Guerres en RDC : Quelles Leçons et Stratégies Pouvons-nous Tirer ?”